Perspectives | Anahita Oil Refinery Company (ANORC)

Perspectives,Anahita Oil Refinery Company (ANORC)

Perspectives, Anahita Oil Refinery


One of the most important challenges facing the Iranian oil industry is the problems related to financing large projects such as the Anahita oil refinery. From this perspective, building a petro-refinery over a simple refinery has many advantages including:

- Far higher profit margins and value added.

- Reduction of investment costs compared to the implementation of separate refinery and petrochemical Plants.

- Security of feed supply for downstream petrochemical units

- High flexibility in the consumer market for aggregated units

As a result, one of the most important plans for the future of the Iranian oil industry will be to move towards the design and construction of oil refineries. Considering that Anahita Petroleum Refinery is the first leading project in the field of petroleum refining projects in Iran, it can pave the way for the future. In this way and with proper focus and timely investment in this project, it can be developed effectively Provides for similar industries in the future