The main goals of the refinery will be as follows:
- - Supplying Oil Products to meet the consumption of Kermanshah province and west of Iran.
- - Producing oil products(vehicle fuels) with the Euro-V specifications
- - Creation of a lot of direct jobs and thousands indirect jobs in different educational fields for one of the most deprived areas in the country.
- - Development of industries in the province is the other goal of this project.
- - Prevention of crude oil exporting and producing higher added value products.
- - Increase knowledge and technical skills of local human resources.
- - Possibility of exporting extra products to gain more national income.
- - Improve quality and quantity of consuming products in the area.
- - More added values of products by new Petro-refinery plant in comparing with classic Oil refinery.
- - Providing of Petro-chemical / Chemical Products to meet the consumption of west of Iran and possibility of downstream product chain by attraction of crowd finance.
- - Improving project economic parameters.