Crude oil refinery

The production capacity of the country's crude oil refineries is an undeniable necessity with the doubling of the population compared to the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the increase in the consumption of petroleum products.

The production capacity of the country's crude oil refineries is an undeniable necessity with the doubling of the population compared to the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the increase in the consumption of petroleum products.

12/25/2017 3:56:42 PM  ۰ Comment    Hits

Crude oil refinery

The production capacity of the country's crude oil refineries, with the doubling of the population compared to the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the increase in the consumption of petroleum products, is an undeniable necessity, in order to achieve the results of this issue, according to the goals of the oil industry in the vision document, and until the year 2014 At least 100 billion dollars should be invested in the oil industry, and based on this, it is planned to build 7 refineries with a total capacity of about 1 million barrels per day in the country, and Anahita Refinery is one of these refineries.